The nature of my job as a costume designer requires me to design and create new garments and costumes for specific productions.
This downloadable PDF catalogue of fabrics was created with the aim of implementing more environmentally-sustainable and ethical practices into my work process. My hope is that this resource will make it easier for myself and others to effectively and efficiently source more sustainably-produced fabrics, and be a small step towards reducing the environmental footprint of theatre and dance productions.
For more information, collaborative ideas or to chat about sustainable practices in dance and theatre, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
This research project was funded by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media in the program NEUSTART KULTUR, [Aid program DIS-TANZEN] from the Association for Dance in Germany.
Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, [Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN] des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.