Author: Louise Flanagan

McNicol Ballet Collective – ‘Devotions’ tour

June 18, 2023

Three modern ballets, devoted to the power of music and dance. Led by Artistic Director Andrew McNicol, innovative dance company McNicol Ballet Collective tours this summer with Devotions, featuring a brand-new work, Moonbend. Set to a score by visionary indie pop singer/songwriter Perfume Genius and featuring costumes by British designer Louise Flanagan, Moonbend showcases the…

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Sustainable Costume Collection for Tanz Münster

September 24, 2022

Working with the choreographer Lillian Stillwell for her first season as director of Tanz Münster, we developed the idea of designing a ‘Costume Collection’ for the Tanz Münster 22/23 season, so that elements of the costumes are used for two dance productions, ‘Furien’ and ‘Vier Jahreszeiten’, effectively giving the costumes a longer life and allowing…

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Developing Sustainable Practice in Costume Design

September 24, 2022

The nature of my job as a costume designer requires me to design and create new costumes and garments for specific productions. With the aim of implementing environmentally-sustainable and ethical practices into my work process, I embarked on a research project to create a catalogue of more sustainably-produced fabrics suitable for dance and theatre productions…

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Sense of Place at Origen Festival Cultural

August 18, 2022

Some behind the scenes photos taken by Admill Kuyler from ‘Sense of Place’ at Origen Festival Cultural this summer. As always, we feel incredibly privileged and grateful to be able to create for one of the most unique stages in the world. Thank you to Giovanni Netzer and all Origen Festival Cultural! ‘Sense of Place’…

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Die Stühle Trailer

October 19, 2021

In July, for the fifth year in a row, Dustin Klein, Simon Lovermann and myself were invited back to Origen Festival Cultural to create a full length evening to be premiered and performed in the incredible red tower in the Swiss mountains. ‘Die Stühle’, based on Eugene Ionesco’s play ‘Les Chaises’ from 1952, takes place in…

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Konfekt Magazine

September 17, 2021

At the beginning of July I was invited to take part in a round table discussion with ‘a group of movers and shakers from from film, theatre, photography and print’ for issue 4 of Konfekt Magazine. Fresh out of quarantine and straight from my vaccination appointment, I had a lovely and inspiring lunch at Schumann’s Bar…

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Psychomachia at Origen Festival Cultural

August 30, 2020

In July Dustin Klein and his regular collaborators, Simon Lovermann and myself, were invited back to Origen Festival Cultural for the fourth year in a row. Always a very special project and experience, this year we felt even more privileged to be a part of the festival due to the current pandemic. Giovanni Netzer, Flavia…

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Vogue Germany – Eden Documentary

May 26, 2020

I’m very excited to present the premiere of ‘Eden’ with Vogue Germany! Filmmaker ANNE GRYCZKA followed and documented the creative process of Dustin Klein’s ‘Eden’ from rehearsals in the studio, costume fittings, music composition and graphic design to the final performances in the Swiss mountains as part of the Origen Festival Cultural. To read Anne’s full interview…

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Cancellations due to Covid-19

May 26, 2020

Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of theatres worldwide, productions I have been working on have been cancelled or postponed. These include Andreas Heise’s ‘Schwanengesang’ at the Oper Graz and Dimo Kirilov Milev’s ‘Gegen den Strom’ with Theater St. Gallen. I very much hope these productions will be rescheduled in the coming seasons,…

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Romeo & Julia for F*king Ever and Ever

June 5, 2018

Director – Caitlin van der Maas Set – Michele Lorenzini Costume – Louise Flanagan Music – Florian Kreier and Marcus Graßl from Aloa Input Film/Video – Sylva Häutle Choreography/Stunts – Jasmine Ellis and Christina d’Alberto Acting – Angelika Krautzberger Premiere – 23rd April 2018 A review by Jutta Czeguhn from the Süddeutsche Zeitung of the performance project ‘Romeo & Julia for F*king Ever and Ever’. A cooperation between…

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Origen Festival Cultural

September 26, 2017

Origen Festival Cultural is a dance/opera/theatre festival in the picturesque Swiss mountain village of Riom. With two permanent theatres; Burg Riom (an 800 year old castle), the Clavadeira (a converted barn) and the temporary Julier Tower at 2300m above sea level, the festival offers a unique experience to Swiss and international audiences wishing to combine…

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